Thursday, January 14, 2010

Endocrinology Update

I spoke with Darein's endocrinologist today and most of her labs came back normal. Her congenital adrenal hyperplasia is stable and no need to increase her cortisol at this time. However, a progesterone was done instead of a progesterone-17. We need to repeat this next week. I am not sure exactly what this lab shows but I know that it is a routine lab in regards to her adrenal hyperplasia. Her physician also wants a couple of other labs repeated as well and I was not told what these were but nothing of concern. Her bone age was 12 which tells us that she still has a little bit of growth going on which means her puberty issues are of no concern. She is 14 so her bones still have a couple of years of growth. Girls usually stop growing around the age of 14 or 15 so when her bone age reaches 14 or 15 then that will tell us that she is as tall as she will get. This will also be helpful when they are trying to determine when to perform her jaw surgery as timing of the bones is very important. If you perform surgery too soon then there is a chance of having to redo the surgery. We did find that she is Vitamin D deficient again so she will get a power dose of Vitamin D which includes about 3 capsules and then will reduce to 2 then to 1 a week for 6 weeks. I was hoping since she was doing so well we would not encounter this situation this winter especially since her chronic regional pain syndrome is in remission and she is back at school. This however does not appear to be the case. She will get her replacement of Vitamin D over the next several weeks and then hopefully with spring coming up she will get enough sunshine to help. She is currently on a multivitamin once a day but evidently this is not enough to help with this situation. She is having a few headaches recently but nothing too bad so hopefully the Vitamin D will help keep them from getting worse. We also have to discontinue her Senokot which is a laxative to keep her regular as her GI physician wants her to maintain a daily dose of Miralax now. This could take some adjustment before we get it right but hopefully she will have no problems as we work on keeping her maintained regularly. She did receive her 2nd Gardasil vaccination today and did well with.
Overall, I am very happy with her progress right now as she is losing weight and she states that she is having more energy. She is getting regular PE as well as adaptive PE at school. She states that she is running every day in PE which we are absolutely thrilled that she has been able to maintain that this past week. Her ankle started hurting yesterday and she was limping this morning but she said by 2nd hour she no longer hurt and was able to walk with no problems and then was able to run in PE during 4th hour.
She is such a different person than she was a year ago. We are so very pleased with her progress. Her depression is gone, she is loving school and misses it when she is not there and is making more friends than ever. She is learning to push through things in order to keep up with the other kids and I can not say enough how proud we are of her.

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